Paddle UK Recruit for a New, Independent Member of the Safety Advisory Panel

The Safety Advisory Panel provides guidance and advice to Paddle UK to support safety practice within all aspects of paddlesport. The panel comprises of the Director of Recreation and Development, External Safety Advisor, Safety Lead, representatives from each of the National Associations: Canoe Wales, Paddle Scotland and Paddle Northern Ireland, plus an RNLI representative and four independent volunteer advisors who are appointed for their knowledge and expertise within the safety industry and/or paddlesport. Occasionally, other relevant representatives are to attend where appropriate. 

Paddle UK is now looking for a new, independent member who will complement the existing skills within the group. The following skills are particularly desirable:

  • Skill, knowledge or experience in stand up paddleboarding 
  • Specific knowledge within a competition discipline 
  • Knowledge of Health and Safety law or regulations, experience of AALA 
  • Digital skills, including website or app development, artificial intelligence and data analytics

The commitment required will be to attend two online meetings and one in-person meeting (November) per year and carry out any actions assigned to you in these meetings to support the purpose of the group. 

This position provides a great opportunity to support both Paddle UK and the paddle community on a range of safety matters.

Please review the Safety Advisory Panel Terms of Reference.  

The closing date for applications is 6pm on Monday, 2nd September 2024.

Please click here to complete the online application form