Digital Library

Slalom: a chapter from the Coaching Handbook


This free pdf chapter from the Coaching Handbook is focused on developing further understanding of slalom to support the coach in their role.

Sports Nutrition: Training with a Vegetarian Diet


Dietitic Intern Jorden Edinger of Memorial Hermann IRONMAN Sports Medicine Institute discusses how to train with a vegetarian diet.

Slalom Technical Progression Guide: A Video Resource Tool


Created as part of the What it Takes to Progress athlete development framework, these videos break down how to successfully achieve a wide range of slalom competencies in both canoe and kayak.

Introduction To Equality, Diversity and Inclusion


This Introduction to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion eLearning is for anyone wanting to make a positive change and make their paddling environment more inclusive. It includes ideas, tools and resources.

Using Throwlines in a Sheltered Water Environment

Magazine Article

A throwline is a bank based rescue option that can be used to give assistance to someone in the water to help pull them to a safe place to get out.

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