Slalom: a chapter from the Coaching Handbook
This free pdf chapter from the Coaching Handbook is focused on developing further understanding of slalom to support the coach in their role.
Sports Nutrition: Training with a Vegetarian Diet
Dietitic Intern Jorden Edinger of Memorial Hermann IRONMAN Sports Medicine Institute discusses how to train with a vegetarian diet.
Slalom Technical Progression Guide: A Video Resource Tool
Created as part of the What it Takes to Progress athlete development framework, these videos break down how to successfully achieve a wide range of slalom competencies in both canoe and kayak.
Person Management: Exploring Adventure Sport Coaches’ and Students’ Perceptions of Building Rapport Between Coach and Student
By Oisin Hallissey
Introduction To Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
This Introduction to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion eLearning is for anyone wanting to make a positive change and make their paddling environment more inclusive. It includes ideas, tools and resources.
Using Throwlines in a Sheltered Water Environment
A throwline is a bank based rescue option that can be used to give assistance to someone in the water to help pull them to a safe place to get out.