British Canoeing Awarding Body and the Scout Association have been working together to ensure there is a clearer link between Scouting paddlesport activity and British Canoeing Awarding Body qualifications and awards.
As part of this extensive work, we have now produced two documents:
New Personal Performance Awards and the Scout Paddle Sports Activity Badge (350.3 KiB, 2,985 hits)
How a Scout who achieves a British Canoeing Awarding Body Personal Performance Award can also gain their Scout badge.
Scouting Paddlesport Activitiy Permit Scheme and BCAB Qualifications & Awards (5.5 MiB, 3,940 hits)
A document showing the direct link between British Canoeing Awarding Body Coaching Qualifications and the Scout Permit scheme. The Scouts operate a system for managing their adventurous activities called the Adventurous Activity Permit Scheme. The scheme is an internal way of assessing Scouts to lead activities and covers all paddlesport activities. Any Scout wishing to assess other scout volunteers for their permits must hold the qualifications listed for assessors. Those who hold BCAB qualifications and wish to get activity permits to lead activities can use the joint infographic to map their qualifications to the permit scheme.
For further information about the Permit Scheme, please contact the Scouts England, Scouts Scotland, Scouts Wales and Scouts Northern Ireland.
Stand Up Paddleboarding
Guidance about Stand Up Paddleboarding qualifications and County and External Assessor qualifications can be found here, under March 2022.