Reporting malpractice is a key activity we seek to encourage. It is defined by the British Canoeing Awarding Body as any deliberate activity, neglect, default or other practice that compromises the integrity of the assessment process and/or the validity of certificates.
This includes deliberate non-compliance by Awarding Body staff with the established quality standards. This is also the case for recognised Delivery Centre staff and candidates with one or more of the Awarding Body Recognised Delivery Centres and/or any qualification-specific requirements.
In the event that suspected cases of malpractice are upheld, it may result in penalties on the Awarding Body’s Recognised Delivery Centre workforce and candidates.
Such recognised centres may be placed under sanctions, with a possible outcome being the suspension of its ability to register and certificate candidates, or it may even be the removal of qualification approval and/or recognised Centre status.
Failure to comply with the guidance on regulations for assessment will imply an attempt to compromise results. If the allegations are proven, certificates may be considered invalid and those already issued will be withdrawn.
In the event that a recognised centre, registered candidate or any relevant third party wishes to report suspected malpractice, they should follow the appropriate British Canoeing Awarding Body’s reporting of suspected malpractice procedure by contacting the Awarding Body Responsible Officer.
Malpractice Examples
Below are examples of types of malpractice. Please note, this list is far from exhaustive:
- Impersonation during assessment.
- Plagiarism (the evidence supplied not being the candidate’s own work).
- Claiming certificates on the basis of falsified records (including cases where the candidate is still.
working towards the qualification after the certificate has been claimed) - Providing unauthorised help to candidates with assessment tasks and not assessing all aspects which are supposed to be assessed.
Reporting Malpractice Related Policies
BCAB Complaints Procedure Policy (129.1 KiB, 1,886 hits)
BCAB Enquiries and Appeals Procedure (197.5 KiB, 2,237 hits)