British Canoeing Awarding Body Instructor, Coach and Leader qualifications are well respected throughout the world, due to the robust training and assessments that take place through a regulated framework of verification and standardisation.
Once a qualification is gained, it is important to remain up to date with:
- National Association Membership (Paddle UK, Paddle Northern Ireland, Canoe Wales, Paddle Scotland)
- First Aid
- Safeguarding
- Continuous Professional Development
Below are good practice guidelines we would encourage anyone with responsibility for paddlers on the water to consider:
Good practice guidance for British Canoeing Awarding Body Instructors, Coaches and Leaders (3.2 MiB, 1,852 hits)
Learning and Development
The ‘Learning and Development’ tab hosts a range of resources to support your learning and development once qualified.
The Digital Library includes a wide range of resources from across the disciplines, from videos, audio books and blogs to presentations and podcasts.
The Coach Self-Analysis Tool and Leader Self-Analysis Tools enable an individual to gauge their current level of understanding, skill and knowledge in their chosen discipline. The analysis then offers considerations of how the coach may want to support their continual learning and development.
Keep in touch
British Canoeing Awarding Body share a monthly newsletter, Catch Up with Coaching, which is aimed at Instructors, Coaches, Leaders and Guides from across the UK and internationally. The newsletter includes key updates, changes and resources to support your learning and development, sent directly to your inbox.
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