The British Canoeing Awarding Body Guide Endorsement is aimed at Paddle UK Body Leaders to support and recognise the additional skills required when fulfilling a guiding role, particularly those working within Adventure Tourism and Commercial Markets.

Guide Endorsement Overview
Minimum Age
18 Years
- BCAB Leadership qualification (held for 2 years and with 20 logged led trips/journeys)
- Full National Association Membership
- Valid (within 3 years) British Canoeing Awarding Body recognised 1-day First Aid Award
- Valid (within 3 years) Safeguarding Training recognised by British Canoeing Awarding Body
If you feel you already have the relevant skills, you can evidence this on your Guide Endorsement Application.
Optional free Leadership eLearning and Leading and Guiding in Unfamiliar Environments eLearning
Course Documents
To view the associated documents, please click here.
Next Steps
Complete the Guide Endorsement Application and share it with your Delivery Centre.
The ethos of the scheme is to support, share and recognise the leaders guiding development. The cadre of Guides and aspirant Guides will be a supportive network of leaders, sharing best practice and like-minded ideas, in order to aid their learning and support paddlers on their journeys. The main purpose is that it is a healthy and supportive learning experience for all involved, whether it is the mentor, aspirant Guide or more importantly, the clients.
Becoming an Endorsed Guide
To become an Endorsed Guide, you will need to meet the prerequisites and complete the Guide Endorsement application.
You will need to develop your specific areas of interest, relevant to your guiding. To gain the full Guide Endorsement, 3 areas of training and development must be undertaken, out of the 5 topics covered through the modules.
You can either attend the modules or choose to develop through a variety of other means, and provide evidence on the APL section of the application form.
Once your application has been accepted, you will start a consolidation phase before your final endorsement. The main purpose of the consolidation period is that it is a healthy and supportive learning experience for all involved, whether it is the mentor, you, or more importantly, your clients.
Once you feel ready, you can work through your Final Endorsement. The aim of the Final Endorsement is to work with an existing Guide for a final recommendation.
Course Documents
To view the associated documents, please click here.