Personal Performance Award Provider Refresher eLearning: Roles and Responsibilities

£10.00 inc VAT

This single-module 30-minute refresher is for existing Personal Performance Awards Providers. It focuses on provider responsibilties including risk management, lone working, safeguarding and regulatory requirements. The elearning also includes insights from other PPA providers.

£10.00 inc VAT



In order to continue delivering the awards, providers must complete a Refresher eLearning every 3 years. You can choose between this course, launched in 2024, and the PPA Refresher: Delivery and Environment elearning, launched in 2021. If you have already completed that Refresher, then choose this course.

This Personal Performance Awards Refresher eLearning module covers:

  • risk management, with a focus on lone working, safeguarding requirements and regulatory requirements
  • our educational philosophy and how the standard of performance is assessed
  • provider insight on how the Personal Performance Awards can be delivered

You earn 5 CPD points by completing this eLearning. These will be added to your National Association record after completion.