Leadership and Raft Guide Self-Analysis Deployment Matters

Deployment Matters

For more information specific to your National Association please use the appropriate links provided below within each section.


As a Leader, National Association membership provides you with public liability insurance and Professional Indemnity insurance cover. For Paddle UK and Canoe Wales members it also provides the benefit of a licence to access English and Welsh waterways

Canoe Wales Logo
Scottish Canoe Association Logo


It is important that you have the relevant level of insurance in place, to provide appropriate cover and support for yourself and your paddlers.

Canoe Wales Logo
Scottish Canoe Association Logo

Continual Professional Development

CPD is an important part of your development, supporting your knowledge, skills and ability, so you can keep up to date and current with best practice.

Canoe Wales Logo
Scottish Canoe Association Logo

First Aid

First Aid is an essential skill for anyone in a leadership (or raft guide) role.

Canoe Wales Logo
Scottish Canoe Association Logo


Safeguarding all paddlers is paramount. You need to ensure you hold the relevant training and have the appropriate policies and procedures in place.

Canoe Wales Logo
Scottish Canoe Association Logo