Fitness for Paddlesport

Fitness for Paddlesport. A group head out on the water in different craft.

The British Canoeing Awarding Body Fitness for Paddlesport Module is designed to introduce competition and recreational coaches to the key concepts of fitness – training, nutrition and physiology.

Fitness for Paddlesport Overview

Minimum Age

Module open to all ages


No prerequisites

Course Length

3 hours – land-based



Introduction to Fitness in Paddlesports

Course Documents

To view the associated documents with this course, click here


No registration required

The 3-hour Module is intended as a standalone module. Paddlers and coaches can attend with no prior knowledge of sports science.

Course Content and Structure

By the end of this workshop, participants should have achieved the following learning outcomes:

  • Provide the details of a normal balanced diet
  • Explain the links between diet and performance
  • Discuss conditioning training for their paddlesport discipline(s)
  • Identify the benefits of strength training for canoe and kayak
  • Describe the reasons behind planning for and regularly monitoring fitness programmes for paddlers.

Participants should be prepared to participate in practical activities as part of this course. The Fitness for Paddlesports Foundation Module is an attendance course and there is no formal assessment.


On completion of the Fitness for Paddlesports Foundation Module, the course provider will submit successful participants for certification. Your Delivery Centre will then issue an attendance certificate.

Finding a Fitness for Paddlesport Course

To find a course in your area, visit your Delivery Centre website by clicking the relevant logo at the bottom of this page.