NEW Paddlesport Instructor resources available in the Welsh Language

British Canoeing Awarding Body is pleased to announce that the NEW Paddlesport Instructor resources are now available in the Welsh language. As we strive to make our fantastic qualifications accessible to all, this development will enable the Paddlesport Instructor resources…

British Canoeing Awarding Body Paddlesport Instructor programmes

British Canoeing Awarding Body has been on the road supporting National Associations and Providers attending their Orientations for the NEW Paddlesport Instructor qualification. Both Canoe Wales and the Canoe Association of Northern Ireland have been busy running their programmes, working…

British Canoeing Awarding Body launches the NEW Personal Performance Awards Provider eLearning and Course Content

British Canoeing Awarding Body is pleased to launch the Provider eLearning and Course Content for the NEW Personal Performance Awards, which are available from January 2019. The NEW Personal Performance Awards are designed for paddlers wanting to gain recognition of…

Mae Corff Dyfarnu Canŵio Prydain yn sicrhau Grant Cymorth Iaith Gymraeg ar gyfer Wobr Hyfforddwr Chwaraeon padlo newydd

Mae’n falch iawn o gyhoeddi fod Corff Dyfarnu Canŵio Prydain (BCAB) wedi sicrhau ei ail Grant Cymorth Iaith Gymraeg gan Gymwysterau Cymru. Bydd y grant hwn yn galluogi cyfieithu adnoddau Hyfforddwyr Chwaraeon padlo Newydd i’r Iaith Gymraeg, a fydd yn…

New Safety Award Equivalence and Canoeing Ireland Equivalence documents

British Canoeing Awarding Body would like to inform you that the new Safety Award Equivalence and Canoeing Ireland Equivalence documents have been added to the BCAB website. These documents replace the existing document and can be found in the Provider Zone…

British Canoeing Awarding Body announces the NEW Personal Performance Awards

“British Canoeing Awarding Body is delighted to be announcing the NEW Personal Performance Awards that will replace the existing ‘Star Awards’ from January 2019.  The development of the NEW awards has been an exciting project with many paddlers involved in…

British Canoeing Awarding Body secures a Welsh Language Support Grant for the NEW Paddlesport Instructor Award

It is with great delight to announce that British Canoeing Awarding Body (BCAB) has secured its second Welsh Language Support Grant from Qualifications Wales.  This grant will enable the translation of the NEW Paddlesport Instructor resources into the Welsh Language,…

Age Restriction Lifted from British Canoeing Foundation Safety & Rescue Training

There is no longer an age restriction to the Paddle UK Foundation Safety & Rescue Training course.  Where providers choose to allow participants under the age of 18 to attend the course, appropriate safeguarding measures must be implemented and due…

British Canoeing Awarding Body Announces the NEW Paddlesport Instructor Award

As part of British Canoeing Awarding Body’s commitment to reviewing the Coaching and Leadership awards, it is with great delight to announce the NEW Paddlesport Instructor Award which will be launched in January 2019 replacing the existing Paddlesport Instructor course.…

QiW Database – Addition of British Canoeing Awarding Body Regulated Qualifications

British Canoeing Awarding Body (BCAB) is pleased to announce that, due to meeting the criteria for recognition, the Regulated awards of Paddlesport Instructor, Coach Award and Performance Coach have been approved as ‘designated’ by Qualifications Wales and now appear on…

British Canoeing Awarding Body is successful in securing Welsh Language Support Grant Funding from Qualifications Wales

British Canoeing Awarding Body is pleased to announce its success in securing grant application funding in relation to the Welsh Language Support Grant.  This funding has enabled the written resources for the Coach Award (Level 2) to be translated and…


  Mae corff dyfarnu canwio Prydain yn falch i gyhoeddi ei llwyddiant wrth sicrhau arian cais mewn perthynas â cymorth iaith Gymraeg.  Cyllid hwn wedi galluogi adnoddau ysgrifenedig ar gyfer y dyfarniad Anogwr (lefel 2) yn cael eu cyfieithu ac…

Environmental Definitions and Deployment Guidance for Instructors, Coaches and Leaders – new document available

The Environmental Definitions and Deployment Guidance for Instructors, Coaches and Leaders document provides useful guidance that can be applied when choosing paddlesport activity. British Canoeing Awarding Body recommends that these guidelines are followed in conjunction with appropriate safety management systems,…