Someone engaged in coaching may do so under the title of Coach, Instructor, or Leader (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Coaches”).
Regardless of the badge, qualification or title they wear, this Code applies to all those who help others achieve their goals through paddlesport.
We acknowledge and appreciate the contribution made by Coaches throughout our sport and the crucial role they play in the continued development of paddlesport and in the lives of the individuals they coach.
Good Coaches ensure participants in paddlesport have positive experiences and are therefore more likely to continue in the sport and achieve their potential.
Coaches should therefore ensure they demonstrate a high degree of honesty, integrity and competence at all levels. We want our Coaches to understand their responsibilities whilst maintaining the key concept that participation is for fun and enjoyment as well as achievement.
This Code of Conduct incorporates the UK Coaching (formerly Sports Coach UK) Code of Practise for Sports Coaches and defines all that is best in good coaching practice.